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The store Jama CebaJama Ceba
Soundscapes - France
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Ref : 3561302105123
This CD tells the story of a small lost cat which spends one day exploring a farm. He meets all sorts of creatures in the hen house, the courtyard, the stable, in the neighboring meadow and beside the pond. He hears this fascinating array of sounds and tries to make sense of it all.
19.99 € 12.00€ To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : FA632
This CD is the result of many years of observation and recording in the Tronçais forest (mid France), reknowned for its Red deer rut.
72 minutes
19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : 3448960262125
This CD introduces you to the "songs" of the sea produced by different types of waves: light squall, choppy sea, small waves breaking on shingle, storms, heavy swell.
This CD introduces you to the "songs" of the sea produced by different types of waves
Ref : CD036
Relaxation and électroacoustic music
This CD introduces 11 électroacoustics sequences, composed with naturals bird's songs.
17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : FA662
This CD takes you to the unspoilt countryside of the Bresse region of France. It's the beginning of June, the time when the dawn chorus is at its peak.
65 minutes
Ref : 3760107270047
One stormy night in the mountains, some ewes are attacked. A wolf is suspected! The following day, Tino goes to fishing and meets... a family of wolves.
48 minutes
18.00 € 13.90€ To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : 3448960267120
This CD offers the listener a journey along a water course, from a source to the sea.
The music of droplets and of rain, streams and water falls, the calmer music of a river, of a lake and the sea.
Ref : 3448960262828
Produced in collaboration with the Parcs Nationaux des Ecrins and the Vanoise, this guide brings together the 80 most characteristic species of the Alps.
Ref : 3300760201400
2 CD consacrés aux oiseaux des milieux les moins transformés par l'homme : forêts de plaines et de montagnes, falaises et éboulis rocheux, haute montagne avec prairies et toundras des sommets.
29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : 3448960262323
Become absorbed in 65 minutes of the fascinating sound world of seabird colonies recorded at several remarkable sites around the coast.
Ref : 3300760201301
Ce titre est consacré aux oiseaux vivant dans les milieux façonnés par l'homme : villes, villages et banlieues, jardins, parcs et vergers, bocages et friches, champs et pâturages.
Ref : 30045
Small and frequently brightly coloured, they are often gifted songsters.
The accompanying leaflet includes a species list (names in French and Latin), a description of each recording, and a colour illustration of each species by the artist Wladislaw Siwek.
Ref : 3448960270229
A reference guide with 42 garden birds species, accompanied from a booklet of 28 pages and 30 pictures.
Songs of 42 common birds of our gardens are indexed and followed by test of recognition
Ref : 3300760223709
Recordings from ponds around Europe. The fabulous wealth of this wet and fertile world is reflected in the astonishing diversity of bird and frog vocalisation.
Jean C. Roché - 64 minutes
Ref : 3300760202001
Avec ce double CD, Jean C. Roché vous offre les chants de 84 espèces d'oiseaux les plus beaux, insolites, ou drôles, qu'il a enregistrés aux quatre coins de la terre, au cours de 40 années d'expéditions ornithologiques.
Remarks :
2 CD
574 rue de Pradals Parc d'activité MILLAU VIADUC 12100 MILLAU FRANCETel: (+33) 05 65 60 76 01 Email:
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