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The shop Jama CebaJama Ceba
Audio-CDs > Soundscapes - France
Ref : FA632
Descriptive :
This CD is the result of many years of observation and recording in the Tronçais forest (mid France), reknowned for its Red deer rut.
Together, the author Olivier Dumas and Jean-Louis Chaudeaux, who provided the illustrations for the booklet, have recorded a succession of fabulous rutting calls and, at the end of the CD, a small "dictionary" of the different rutting calls. 72 minutes
Weight : 100.00 g
19.99 € VAT included Add to Cart
574 rue de Pradals Parc d'activité MILLAU VIADUC 12100 MILLAU FRANCETel: (+33) 05 65 60 76 01 Email:
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