
La boutique des passionnés de nature

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Warning : Due to our presence at photo festivals until June 3, 2024, delivery delays are possible on certain items. Do not hesitate to contact us. We apologize and thank you for your understanding.


The store Jama CebaJama Ceba

Trail cameras & Remote control > Sound triggers

PLUTO - Trigger

PLUTO - Trigger Larger image

Ref : PLUTO1


PLUTO - Trigger :

A very small trigger triggered bitch has a mobile phone application which gives up to 24 different possibilities.


Stills. Timelapse. Startrail. HDR. Video. Sound. Laser. Lightning. Proximity. Droplet. Shake. Smile. Motion.

159.90 € To know moreAdd to Cart


JAMA - Sound detector

JAMA - Sound detector Larger image

Ref : SON1

Not available

Sound detector to trigger either a housing or a flash.

Ideal for a self-portrait without remote foot hand or automatically to trigger the start of an Ariane rocket.

120.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart

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