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by product Micros and parabolas Recorders Detectors bats Ultrasound analysis software OUTILS PEDAGOGIQUES by brand Batbox BOYA Cyberio Dodotronic Magenta Pettersson Telinga ZOOM
The store Jama CebaJama Ceba
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Ref : LIVRE7
This update complements but does not replace the booklet "World of Bats", which accompanies the double CD The inaudible world (french).
16.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : LIVRE137
Acoustic ecology of bats in Europe - 4th edition - Michel BARATAUD:Identification of species, study of their habitats and hunting behavior by Michel BarataudNocturnal animals, chiroptera (or bats) have developed a sonar-type tracking system in space. Inaudible to the human ear, the cries of bats can be heard, recorded and analyzed using different devices and software.
49.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart
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