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Bird Songs
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Ref : C001
The only CD presently available devoted to the birds of North Africa. It includes the songs and calls of the 52 species most representative of North West Africa, classed by family in systematic order.
19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : CD036
Relaxation and électroacoustic music
This CD introduces 11 électroacoustics sequences, composed with naturals bird's songs.
17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : FA662
This CD takes you to the unspoilt countryside of the Bresse region of France. It's the beginning of June, the time when the dawn chorus is at its peak.
65 minutes
Ref : 3448960264822
A CD allowing the listener to recognise the songs of Europe’s garden birds. A 70 minute sound guide recorded by Jean C. Roché indexed in a 24 page French/English booklet that gives the common and Latin names of the 99 species on this CD.
Ref : CD513317
Ce CD est une sélection de trente et un chants d'oiseaux du monde rencontrés et enregistrés par Fernand Deroussen durant ses voyages. Tous les enregistrements ont été le fruit d'une rencontre pleine de surprise, d'émotions et montrent la fascination de l'auteur pour la nature. Ils se succèdent au travers de compositions très différentes, tantôt complexes et diversifiés tantôt d’une simplicité charmante.
Ref : 3448960262729
A celebration of the songs of the larger European Thrushes. 74 minutes
Ref : 3307513004820
CD Chickadees, Nuthatches and Cie:Dedicated to the birds of Europe, this CD offers you long recordings of the cries and songs of the following species:
Ref : 3448960262828
Produced in collaboration with the Parcs Nationaux des Ecrins and the Vanoise, this guide brings together the 80 most characteristic species of the Alps.
Ref : 3448960262323
Become absorbed in 65 minutes of the fascinating sound world of seabird colonies recorded at several remarkable sites around the coast.
Ref : 3448960261524
This CD is the first to be published in Europe featuring natural soundscapes from Japan. A true invitation to travel, it reflects the astonishing biodiversity of the Japanese islands.
72 ' - English/Japanese booklet of 36 pages 72 minutes
Ref : 30045
Small and frequently brightly coloured, they are often gifted songsters.
The accompanying leaflet includes a species list (names in French and Latin), a description of each recording, and a colour illustration of each species by the artist Wladislaw Siwek.
Ref : 3448960260527
Songs and calls of the diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey of western Europe, recorded in the wild, in their natural habitats.
Ref : 3448960270229
A reference guide with 42 garden birds species, accompanied from a booklet of 28 pages and 30 pictures.
Songs of 42 common birds of our gardens are indexed and followed by test of recognition
Ref : 3300760243608
Over an hour of uninterrupted Nightingale song - 9 tracks of Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) recorded in France and Greece, and 4 tracks of Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia) recorded in Romania and Southern Finland.
Ref : 3448960260824
First sound guide allowing the listener to recognise 198 species of common American continent birds from their voices. Songs and common calls are included for each species.
Remarks :
2 CD
29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
574 rue de Pradals Parc d'activité MILLAU VIADUC 12100 MILLAU FRANCETel: (+33) 05 65 60 76 01 Email:
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