Descriptive :
Coléoptères Phytophages d'Europe, tome 1
Texts and illustrations: Gaëtan du Chatenet
Foreword: Jean DORST
Completes the work started on by Gaetan du Chatenet 14 years ago, when he published a reference book concerning both the determination and knowledge of Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae among other thing.
This guide book deals with Phytophagous beetles families and particularly the Xylophagous that can be met with, from the Scandinavian Northern peninsula to Sicily and from the Iberian peninsula to Austria.
Somehow, this work is intended for non-professional entomologists, beetle collectors and scientists of course. Thanks to a precise and explicit description of beetles together with maps illustrating their geographic dissemination, the readers will be able to determine most of the species described in that book and they will have enough details so as to know how and where to find them.
Beside the 688 illustrations in watercolors, Gaetan du Chatenet has added black illustrations in order to help the reader to better identify the different families and sub-families.
Weight : 520.00 g