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The shop Jama CebaJama Ceba
Camouflage photographer > Gloves
Descriptive :
Stealth Gear photographers gloves are designed for photographers that want to keep their hands warm while having direct access to their camera equipment.
These dedicated photographer’s gloves are ideal for all types of outdoor photography from wildlife photography to landscape photography, these photographer’s gloves give you the right balance between warmth and camera control.
If your photography takes you to the great outdoors these gloves will provide protection from the elements and also give you great control over your photography equipment.
Weight : 100.00 g
Glove sizes S (In stock) XXL (In stock)
Le tour de main se prend à la jointure des doigts sans le pouce.
49.90 € VAT included Add to Cart
574 rue de Pradals Parc d'activité MILLAU VIADUC 12100 MILLAU FRANCETel: (+33) 05 65 60 76 01 Email:
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