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Audio-CDs > Sound Guides

Sound Guides


AUDIO-NATURALIST - Dialogues with Bernard Fort and the Birds

AUDIO-NATURALIST - Dialogues with Bernard Fort and the Birds Larger image

Ref : FA5757


AUDIO-NATURALIST - Dialogues with Bernard Fort and the Birds - by Jean-Claude Roché:

At a time of questioning the return to nature and the preeminence of ecological issues, this box set offers for the first time an interview with the greatest French audio-naturalist;

Jean-Claude Roché, put into perspective with the sound extracts of songs of birds and biotopes, which he collected throughout his life. Directed by Bernard Fort, founder of GMVL, this interview of more than 3 hours and a half reviews the journey of this Virgilian ferryman of the sounds of nature: from his meeting with the composer Olivier Messiaen, from the publication of the first disc on the birds of Camargue which was going to obtain the Grand Prix of the record of the Charles Cros Academy, until the realization of more than 150 recordings in different environments, guides of species and atmospheres, and finally the creation of the CEBA which was to become the spirit of the French audio-naturalist school.

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart



CD Le petit ornitho/OISEAUX DES JARDINS - Pierre PALENGAT Larger image

Ref : 3BC1001


Vous débutez… Les chants d’oiseaux vous semblent une jungle de sons où tout est mélangé et vous n’en reconnaissez aucun, sauf le coucou !  Ce livre/CD vous aidera dans vos premiers pas.

Grâce à cette méthode spécialement conçue pour les débutants, vous apprendrez à identifier les chants et les cris des vingt oiseaux les plus communs de votre environnement.

20.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


ABC de la nature

ABC de la nature Larger image

Ref : 3760107270085


L'ABC de la Nature will be appreciated by adults and children. It is an ideal method to start to learn about the sounds of nature, with comments on the 1st CD only.

The booklet of 36 pages brings you a lot of information on their ways of life. All animals are there represented by nice Alexis Nouailhat's drawings. 146 minutes

Remarks :

Set with 2 audio CD + booklet

28.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD + Qrcode "Photo Gallery - 70 Garden Bird Songs

CD + Qrcode Larger image

Ref : OV3002


CD + Qrcode "Photo Gallery - 70 songs of Garden Birds:

Who owns this melody that flies from the hedge or the grove? What is this bird that sings perched on the edge of a roof, from a tree or in flight? So many questions that naturally arise each spring... Listening to the 70 songs on this disc therefore makes it possible to identify precisely and without difficulty all the species that frequent our gardens and parks.

In the 4-page booklet you will find basic information useful for listening as well as a QR-CODE "photo gallery" which will allow you to view photos of all the species on the CD on your smartphone or tablet.

17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD Dawns in Erope - Natural Soundscapes

CD Dawns in Erope - Natural Soundscapes Larger image

Ref : FA677


An exploration of sounds during a special hour in nature’s cycle: the natural world awakening. This sound CD (more than 50 minutes playing time) allows the listener to discover the intensity of natural sounds at dawn on different biotopes in Europe.

19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD Chants des sauterelles de France (NAT0311)

CD Chants des sauterelles de France (NAT0311) Larger image

Ref : CD513263


Ce guide sonore sans commentaires, sur les Sauterelles (superfamille des Tettigonioidea) de France vous présente les chants des 55 espèces de sauterelles, decticelles, dectiques et éphippigères enregistrés directement dans la nature. Plusieurs enregistrements et exemples sont présents pour chaque espèce, évoquant la diversité sonore des émissions et des ambiances.

17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD All the Birds Songs of Britain and Europe

CD All the Birds Songs of Britain and Europe Larger image

Ref : 3448960262521


The famous Roche's 4 CD set !

Sound guide encompassing 396 species of breeding birds, with 99 species per CD in systematic order. Average length of each CD is 75 minutes. Direct access to each species with sample calls and longer songs.

Remarks :

Set 4 CD

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD Sound Guide of the Birds of France

CD Sound Guide of the Birds of France Larger image

Ref : FA614


The birds of France are either sedentary or migrant. The climate comprises a variety of soundscapes fashioned with a great diversity of bird songs.

19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


A sound encyclopaedia of Birds / Africa

A sound encyclopaedia of Birds / Africa Larger image

Ref : 3448960261029


A guide allowing the listener to recognise 198 species of common African continent birds from their voices. Songs and common calls are included for each species.

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


LE COFFRET ORNITHO CDx10 - Sound guide birds of Europe and the Maghreb (CA19)

LE COFFRET ORNITHO CDx10 - Sound guide birds of Europe and the Maghreb (CA19) Larger image

Ref : 3300760201905


A sound Guide for European and North-African Birds.

An essential tool for the birdwatcher, this box of 10 CDs contains the calls and songs of 442 European species and 39 North African species in systematic order (Delachaux & Niestlé book : Guide to Birds.

Remarks :

10CD Set

79.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


Song of Water 3BC

Song of Water 3BC Larger image

Ref : 3BC0403


This CD offers the listener a journey along a water course, from a source to the sea.

The music of droplets and of rain, streams and water falls, the calmer music of a river, of a lake and the sea.

18.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


Livre CD - " CUICUI et Compagnie " - De Pierre Palengat

Livre CD - Larger image

Ref : 3BE1801


Here is a unique CD-book created by a musician ornithologist!

  It will allow everyone to easily discover 15 familiar birds and their songs.

25.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD Mélodies d'oiseaux (NAT1301)

CD Mélodies d'oiseaux (NAT1301) Larger image

Ref : CD513317


Ce CD est une sélection de trente et un chants d'oiseaux du monde rencontrés et enregistrés par Fernand Deroussen durant ses voyages. Tous les enregistrements ont été le fruit d'une rencontre pleine de surprise, d'émotions et montrent la fascination de l'auteur pour la nature. Ils se succèdent au travers de compositions très différentes, tantôt complexes et diversifiés tantôt d’une simplicité charmante.

17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


2 CD Oiseaux de mer et d'eau douce (CA07-08)

2 CD Oiseaux de mer et d'eau douce (CA07-08) Larger image

Ref : 3300760201509


2 CD consacrés aux oiseaux ouest-européens vivant dans les milieux aquatiques : rivages marins rocheux ou sablonneux, fleuves et rivières, torrents et lacs, étangs et marais.

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD Où va l'eau des nuages ? (NAT1303)

CD Où va l'eau des nuages ? (NAT1303) Larger image

Ref : CD513348


Cette création sonore est inspirée de l'eau et de son importance pour la vie.

C'est un travail évocateur et surtout artistique, réalisé par Fernand Deroussen, audio-naturaliste en contact permanent avec les sons du monde naturel et sauvage.

17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart

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