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The store Jama SittelleJama Sittelle
Soundscapes - Europa
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Ref : 3300760202001
Avec ce double CD, Jean C. Roché vous offre les chants de 84 espèces d'oiseaux les plus beaux, insolites, ou drôles, qu'il a enregistrés aux quatre coins de la terre, au cours de 40 années d'expéditions ornithologiques.
Remarks :
2 CD
29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : 3300760211829
Unique en Europe, ce double CD vous donne les voix des mammifères européens, des plus petits : Loir, Lérot, Rat, Ecureuil, etc..., aux plus gros : Loup, Cerf, Ours et Bison.
Ref : 3448960260220
A reference guide with 69 common birds species, accompanied from a booklet of 64 pages anda lot of pictures. Songs of 69 common birds are indexed and followed by test of recognition
Ref : 3300760201905
A sound Guide for European and North-African Birds.
An essential tool for the birdwatcher, this box of 10 CDs contains the calls and songs of 442 European species and 39 North African species in systematic order (Delachaux & Niestlé book : Guide to Birds.
10CD Set
79.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : CD10012
One of the wildest nationals parks in Europe is visited each year by strange convoys of ox-waggons accompanied by thousands of men and women on foot or horseback.
19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart
Ref : FA677
An exploration of sounds during a special hour in nature’s cycle: the natural world awakening. This sound CD (more than 50 minutes playing time) allows the listener to discover the intensity of natural sounds at dawn on different biotopes in Europe.
574 rue de Pradals Parc d'activité MILLAU VIADUC 12100 MILLAU FRANCETel: (+33) 05 65 60 76 01 Email:
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