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Audio-CDs > Bird Songs

Bird Songs


A sound encyclopaedia of Birds / Africa

A sound encyclopaedia of Birds / Africa Larger image

Ref : 3448960261029


A guide allowing the listener to recognise 198 species of common African continent birds from their voices. Songs and common calls are included for each species.

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


A sound encyclopaedia of Asia Birds

A sound encyclopaedia of Asia Birds Larger image

Ref : 3448960260923


First sound guide allowing the listener to recognise 198 species of common Asian continent birds from their voices. Songs and common calls are included for each species. 137 minutes

Remarks :

2 CD

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


Bizarre Birds

Bizarre Birds Larger image

Ref : 3300760202001


Avec ce double CD, Jean C. Roché vous offre les chants de 84 espèces d'oiseaux les plus beaux, insolites, ou drôles, qu'il a enregistrés aux quatre coins de la terre, au cours de 40 années d'expéditions ornithologiques.

Remarks :

2 CD

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


An illustrated sound guide of garden birds

An illustrated sound guide of garden birds Larger image

Ref : 3448960260220


A reference guide with 69 common birds species, accompanied from a booklet of 64 pages anda lot of pictures. Songs of 69 common birds are indexed and followed by test of recognition

Remarks :

2 CD

29.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


LE COFFRET ORNITHO CDx10 - Sound guide birds of Europe and the Maghreb (CA19)

LE COFFRET ORNITHO CDx10 - Sound guide birds of Europe and the Maghreb (CA19) Larger image

Ref : 3300760201905


A sound Guide for European and North-African Birds.

An essential tool for the birdwatcher, this box of 10 CDs contains the calls and songs of 442 European species and 39 North African species in systematic order (Delachaux & Niestlé book : Guide to Birds.

Remarks :

10CD Set

79.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


Birds Awakening in Normandy

Birds Awakening in Normandy Larger image

Ref : 3448960263726


Dawn in the forests of Normandy is especially rich in sounds of all sorts, forming one of the most beautiful of all French soundscapes.

70 minutes

19.99 € To know moreAdd to Cart


Livre CD - " CUICUI et Compagnie " - De Pierre Palengat

Livre CD - Larger image

Ref : 3BE1801


Here is a unique CD-book created by a musician ornithologist!

  It will allow everyone to easily discover 15 familiar birds and their songs.

25.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


ABC de la nature

ABC de la nature Larger image

Ref : 3760107270085


L'ABC de la Nature will be appreciated by adults and children. It is an ideal method to start to learn about the sounds of nature, with comments on the 1st CD only.

The booklet of 36 pages brings you a lot of information on their ways of life. All animals are there represented by nice Alexis Nouailhat's drawings. 146 minutes

Remarks :

Set with 2 audio CD + booklet

28.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


CD + Qrcode "Photo Gallery - 70 Garden Bird Songs

CD + Qrcode Larger image

Ref : OV3002


CD + Qrcode "Photo Gallery - 70 songs of Garden Birds:

Who owns this melody that flies from the hedge or the grove? What is this bird that sings perched on the edge of a roof, from a tree or in flight? So many questions that naturally arise each spring... Listening to the 70 songs on this disc therefore makes it possible to identify precisely and without difficulty all the species that frequent our gardens and parks.

In the 4-page booklet you will find basic information useful for listening as well as a QR-CODE "photo gallery" which will allow you to view photos of all the species on the CD on your smartphone or tablet.

17.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart


BOX: USB key + printed booklet - Birds of France: Passerines

BOX: USB key + printed booklet - Birds of France: Passerines Larger image Watch the video

Ref : NHV286USB

Order only

COFFRET : Clé USB + Livret imprimé - Oiseaux de France : Les Passereaux :


Livret imprimé


Découvrez cette nouvelle version de notre ouvrage de référence !

Collection "LA SONOTHÈQUE DU MUSÉUM". Pour identifier les chants et cris des passereaux de France : 148 espèces représentées par 964 enregistrements. Très utile pour les naturalistes en charge des suivis d'oiseaux.

45.00 € To know moreAdd to Cart

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