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The shop Jama SittelleJama Sittelle
Audio-CDs > Sound Guides
Ref : 3300760226106
Descriptive :
Three concerts from the Atlantic forest and one from the Pantanal, recorded in stereo. Don't miss the remarkable sounds of howler monkeys calling across the jungle canopy. Followed by a sound guide to 28 indexed bird species, several not available on any other sound guide.
Brazil is an enormous country which contains some of the richest natural habitats on earth. It is customary to associate the country with the Amazon forest, but there are 2 other regions of outstanding biological interest : Mato Grosso Pantanal and the Mata Atlantica. The objective of these recordings is to present a natural soundscape of these 2 regions. 60 minutes
Weight : 100.00 g
19.99 € VAT included Add to Cart
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