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Camouflage photographer > Ghosts of the woods

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WILDLIFE - C33M- Bag hide WATERPROOF (color All terrain pattern)

Ref : AFFANT2aust


Descriptive :

WILDLIFE - C33M - Mobile tilting tent WATERPROOF (colors All terrain Pattern)


The "ghost of the woods" outfit, very easy to use and light allows to be very mobile!

This cape completely covers the body and allows to cover the material of the photographer (tripod, seat ...) to blend in the natural environment.
A very wide opening allows the passage of the lens.
A net in front of the face gives good visibility but Velcro can hide it if you wish.
A hat or cap will be very helpful in keeping the fabric in place in front of the eyes.
Camouflage style more suitable for caches in aerated forests (clearing, autumn, for example)

  • Dimensions of the wood ghost (see photo):
    1m70 high (at the highest point: head / feet)

    1m 47 high (at the lowest point: objective location)

    1m60 wide
  • Dimensions of the folded wood ghost:
    10 cm in diameter

    25 cm in length
  • Weight:
    1.2 kg
  • waterproof

To transport use bag camouflage (ref: SACMED) CLICK HERE

Weight : 1200.00 g

134.90 € VAT included Add to Cart

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